Benefits of a Detox

What Is Involved in a Detox? Going through a detox has been talked about amongst people looking for a change in their lifestyle and even been talked about by celebrities. When people think about a detox, a wide variety of unpleasant images of well, let’s not go there. Once you get an idea of how a detox is beneficial to you, you’ll have a completely different outlook. By having a detox, you are ridding your body of…

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When to Start a Detox

With all the processed food and take-outs, we humans as a species are growing toxic. But what matters is when you should start a detox. Below is a list of signs that can help you make that choice. 1. Craving Sugar Strong cravings are a sign that something is not right. If you’re eating a lot of processed foods, your blood sugar levels rise. This causes your body to crave more sugar. A detox will flush out…

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Cooking Meals & Quick, Easy Recipes

There are endless amounts of reasons as to why clean eating works. If you take any other diet like juicing or ones that ask you to ignore certain food groups, why are people so attracted to it? The simple answer is that they are looking for an “instant hit.” Most people who are after a quick fix don’t want to do any work but reap the rewards. What is the point in having the best diet if…

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Quickly Stop Sugar Cravings

You had a great evening meal and still go on to eat more sugary products then this article is for you, especially if you’re looking at losing weight. Sugar addiction can be serious, and long-term addiction can cause levels of dopamine to decrease which starts the sugar craving process. Sugar can cause weight gain, inflammation and cause your mood to become erratic. Cravings are controlled by your blood-sugar, hormones, and bacteria. If you don’t address these issues,…

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Benefits of Clean Eating

If you ever wanted to lose weight, feel good about yourself or giving clean eating a go, but don’t quite understand the benefits, this chapter is for you. So, you have been trying clean eating for some time. But for some bizarre reason, the benefits keep eluding you putting in goals on hold. Clean eating is part of a healthy lifestyle and setting goals is important to stick to it. If you’re new to eating clean or…

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Healthy Practices for Clean Eating

The primary goal of clean eating is to get you to ditch the processed food that you have been used to eating and eating wholesome food in the most natural form. Not only does clean eating allow you to lose weight but it also helps your overall health. Clean eating doesn’t guarantee you a life free of disease, but it reduces the chances of disease and allows you to live a longer healthier life. Here is a…

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Home Remedies to help you Detox

Many products on the market promise you that you’ll be fully detoxed with 24hrs, but while some of them are great, you have all the detox products at home right in front of you. 1. Water and Squeezed Lime This helps get rid of toxins and brings your alkaline levels back to normal levels. If you’ve just started your detox, then a drop of apple cider vinegar is particularly helpful. Carry on drinking water as the day…

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Introduction to Clean Eating

You’ve probably heard of clean eating the past last year. You either ignored it or shown some interest in but still aren’t sure exactly what clean eating is. Many people that have begun a clean eating lifestyle have embraced it and kept on it for years and still do today. When you eat clean, you have more control over what you eat and avoid everything bad such as processed foods and sugars. You think about food before…

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How to Stay Consistent with Clean Eating Habits

Succeeding with eating clean all comes down to changing your habits. Not only that, you’ll have to stay consistent, but it can be difficult at times. You see many other people sticking to their regime, but you cannot seem to keep up the good habits that will help you succeed with eating clean. Luckily for you, below are a few things you can do to make your life easier eating clean and in turn living a healthier…

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Boost Your Metabolism in Ten Different Ways

If you’re looking to lose weight alongside eating clean, then you need to learn to metabolism for optimal weight loss results. Your metabolism only functions well is your cells are healthy. You’ve always been told to eat your vegetables as they contain important vitamins and nutrients which act as antioxidants for the body. Antioxidants help strengthen your cells which prevent cancer and aging, so it’s quite important to make sure your metabolism is ticking over. You may…

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Detox your Home

There are hundreds of thousands of chemicals that are found in common household items. From cleaning products to baby bottles and clothes most of them haven’t even been tested to show if they are toxic to humans. Even if these products have been tested such as the ones you wash with or use for personal hygiene still contain toxic chemicals. This can be damaging to your health and that of your families. Although some of the items…

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Seven Ways to Have More Energy

Clean eating is a lifestyle that is not only responsible for having a happier life but also responsible for losing weight and having more energy while enjoying all your favorite foods. If you ever felt weak and didn’t want to get out of bed, then you lack energy. Below are a few strategies you can implement to feel revitalized and have more energy in the day. 1. Practice Stretching Spending even just five minutes breathing and stretching…

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Weight Loss Habits You Need for Clean Eating

If you ever wanted to lose weight while eating clean, then you’re reading the right article. That’s because you about to read the simple habits that will see losing weight. The good news is that this will work for you if you’re new to clean eating, are struggling to lose weight or simply think that weight loss and clean eating don’t go together. 1. Drink water in the morning Sleeping causes, you to lose water quite a…

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Developing the Right Mindset

Eating vegetables and cutting back on sugar is part of mindful eating, but there is more to what is on your plate than you think. A big step towards clean eating isn’t about eating a portion of special food, but it’s more about knowing when you need to eat, thinking twice about what you eat and being in the moment when you eat. To encourage clean eating, you need to like your food and enjoy the sensations…

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Eating to Lose Weight

If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight while on a plant-based diet, this chapter is dedicated to helping you achieve your goal. That is because most people rely on exercise to lose weight but what you eat is 80% of the battle. If you like the idea of only 20% of the effort being exercise, then you will love this chapter. You’re about to discover how you can lose weight by eating clean. Don’t worry about following…

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